Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back at home

So we got back from vegas on the 4th, after another shocker of a flight. Hui and Andy had bought noise-cancelling headphones so it was slightly more bearable for them. It was a long 16 hours. Thanks to Andy and Hui for inviting me to go to vegas, loved every minute of it. Hopefully we can all go again next year and play a few WSOP events.

Since getting back ive just been working. I have played around 20k hands online and going alright, although had a few ordinary sessions. Still struggling at 400nl, I feel like every time I get on there im about to lose a big hand....pretty negative mindset so probably not the best to have when Im playing. Im very comfortable playing at 200nl now though which is good. Im happy to play there for the future until Im more at ease with 400nl.

So we have another trip planned for November. This time it will be me, sara, andy, emmy, dave and possibly Hui and Nobby. We are going to New York and surrounding areas from the 21st november until the 13th december. So definetly looking forward to that. It will be more of a touristy holiday this time, so less sitting around in the hotel playing online before heading to the casino.

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